Friday, November 28, 2014

Let's Celebrate!

Just recently learned that my youtube video Light a Fire by Rachel Taylor cover has hit more than 1,000 views and it is still counting! I'm not sure why this video is so popular but I am excited! Thanks to all my music supporters!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

How I Became a Better Student

On the first week of school, My English teacher gave us a challenge that a group would all get an A for the semester if we could take a amazing photograph and create our own quote to put on the photograph. We all of course rushed out with our cameras and sat together as a group desperately trying to figure out a quote. As we came into class my teacher in summary said that none of the posters were good enough. He was picky about the way the quote went with the picture, whether the picture was good enough, etc. As harsh or picky he might have been, he wanted to teach us a lesson. We as human beings are capable of so much. As our groups looked back we realized we could've spent more time and love into the project. We took the attitude that most students take with projects or school work, do just to get it done. We may have put a lot of effort and love into it but we could've pushed ourselves more out of our comfort zones and recognize the potential in ourselves and our group members. I didn't know until that project how much I enjoyed photography, my other group members were impressed with my photos and so was the rest of my class. Use school projects or create your own assignment where you explore different talents. Teachers can also create opportunities for students to do an assignment more than 100% to their abilities. As a student or a teacher let's strive try and not do assignments just to get it done, let's do it to learn and grow and become the best person we can possibly be.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to Meditate

Today I want to talk about something that has blessed my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical life. Meditation! Meditation is a lot more than just going UMMMM sitting in a pretzel chanting all day. The goal of meditation is to stop the constant activity going on in our minds and bring ourselves to a state of thoughtless awareness. This is how I personally teach and do meditation. the basic steps are:

1. Get yourself full of water, food, and physically relaxed as you can. soaking your feet in hot water is one good way to physically relax and reduce head tension because the blood flows more to feet and away from head. 
2. Either sit crossed legged or lay down on your back. Your spine must be straight whole time! One thing I do that helps is tuck in my tail bone inwards towards my core. If you want to be more comfortable I suggest sitting/laying on blanket or sitting against wall or chair, to help keep spine straight
4. Breath deeply and count your breaths. I personally count very slowly to 4 or 7 in and out. When you breath, let it be from your diagram and fill up your lungs. let your shoulders drop and focus your relaxation around the area of front of head as you close your eyes. 
5. It's ok to let your mind wander just focus it back to your breathing and counting until it's effortless. 
6. Personally I like to listen to guided meditations or relaxing massage/yoga music while I meditate such as these. 

I started to meditate for 5-30 min a day and I felt so much benefit in my life in the way I think, my attitude, and etc. I hope it can bless your lives to, namaste! p.s. I am currently doing more research on 7 chakras and hopefully can provide what I found out soon! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Systems Thinking

What? So What? Now What?
Developing World helped me discover a new thinking process. Learning about systems thinking was the most helpful in showing me how to think differently. I love the example that was given in class of systems thinking. Our teacher showed us a picture of cut down tree stumps and fish in Lake Victoria, Africa. He told us to figure out how the fish caused the trees to be cut down. We realized because the fish were so big, it took more time to dry the fish. Instead the locals were forced to cook the fish over a fire. However, more wood was needed in order to make a fire, and that’s why the trees were cut down. Many times in life we want to think that only one thing can be a possible cause or solution. When we really study and follow our research, we can find the best possible solutions to a problem. Using systems thinking in my life can really benefit me to improve myself and be the best daughter of God I can be. I really like the idea of systems thinking and I wish I could promise to use it all the time now in all aspects of my life. However, I am so used to my other thought processes it is difficult to just switch all of a sudden. I hope through time and practices I can better recognize when I am thinking one sided and eventually reach to become a systems thinker.

            In this class we did a lot of group work, and the group work was always required to have leadership positions. In these groups we had numerous discussions about the things we were learning, and even much debate about heated topics. One thing that was discussed was the 8 Millennium Goals and how to solve those issues. While in class I realized that in order to help fix the world’s problems, we also need to work together to help the world become a better place. One issue for example that really opened my eyes was the topic of globalization. In class we seemed to always come up with the constant debate of whether or not globalization was a good thing or a bad thing. Using our systems thinking, we all realized there was a lot behind it and research to do on it. I thought the concept was fascinating because of the economic and cultural impact it seemed to have on individual countries. It would have been hard to discover all this if we didn’t work together as a group to discuss the issue. Many people around the world are making efforts to communicate and provide charity to third world countries. It is important for those people to communicate and ask “What? So What? And Now what?” because then we can better find a way to help them. As members of the church we all have a duty to serve others, and when we all come together in a group to help another person there is so much power in that. I hope in the future to establish leadership and to really listen to the ideas of my peers. When we all work together, our minds can be opened and do so much good in this world.

Social Issue: People With Disabilities

Throughout history people have viewed those with disabilities unable to participate in society and thought that they were incompatible. Even in ancient times the Romans cast out and killed children with disabilities because they believed they were worthless, or that their lives were useless. It was around the enlightenment that the idea a person can be improved shed light on children with disabilities. With development of science and understanding people have accepted those with disabilities. However, there are still people even today that do not fully understand the capabilities they have and discriminate against those that are less able. In the news there has been debates over a story about a woman on The Dr. Phil show that was fighting for the right to be able to end her disabled children’s lives because she felt they were suffering, incompatible, and wanted to die. News media has debated whether this is humane or inhumane and whether or not the woman fails to understand her children’s capabilities. The legislation passed by the government has helped this social issue. In 1990, The Americans with Disabilities Act was given that helped give people with disabilities equality in society and chances to participate and get the help they need.

In Title 2: State and Local Government Activities, states “State and local governments give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, and activities (e.g. public education, employment, transportation, recreation, health care, social services, courts, voting, and town meet)” Another piece of legislation that helped dramatically in helping the disabled was The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In the situation the concept of eugenics is being applied in the legislation's passed. Eugenics is idea that one can be improved. By passing these legislation's they are not only now able to provide extra classes and help at school but also outside of school. They have the right to be able to go to public schools and have same opportunities with other students. This is helping encourage special needs kids to be a part of our society and socialize with us. Providing the opportunity be taught like everyone else often without special classes. People are always going to underestimate the potential of those with disabilities, but with the help of legislation and not too much over regulation people with or without disabilities can learn to socialize and work together as one.

Child Development

 This is an essay I wrote on why I took child development and what I learned.

Why Did I Have to Take This Class?
Lizzie Holmes
Dec. 2013
CHLD 201: Lundin

Why should I care about children? Why did I have to take this class? Isn’t this all common sense? Many of these questions passed throughout my head at the start of the semester. I have previously been a nanny, babysitter, and etc to children. I never really liked children unless they were in my own family. However, we have learned many concepts we can use as tools to bless our lives in this class. This class has given me comfort to not be so against children and I now have a deeper understanding of them. Many of the things I learned has in fact has helped me grow spiritually and helped me better prepare for my future calling as a mother from Heavenly Father.  I have a divine destiny to rear my children in righteousness and love. Some principles I have learned in the class that increased my knowledge and also grow spiritually. Ten specific principles that helped me grow in these areas are:

1. Eating disorders
2. Addiction and technology
3. Guided participation
4. Children with disabilities
5. Healthy nutrition
6. Influence of fathers
7. Parenting styles
8. Bullying
9. Children’s resilience
10. Family structures, nuclear family

I’m Not Hungry
            There are two types of eating disorders mentioned in the Berger textbook (pg. 422-423). The first is bulimia, in which someone over eats then purges to make themselves thinner. It can be very risking because vomit acid can damage the body, lose nutrients, and even can cause death. Second is anorexia, in which a person can starve himself or herself to get thinner. This is risky as well because of the weakening of the body and lack of nutrients needed to live. In the world of today being skinny and looks are portrayed as something so important. Many times I tend to down talk my body and myself. However, it is important to keep a perspective on our divine potential. I once went to a meeting in relief society and someone gave a spiritual thought Id never forgets. The girl pulled up pictures of temples and told us to think about the ugly things about the temple. It felt very wrong to do so and then she explains that our body is a temple as well. Talking down about our temple is wrong and only creates negativity in our lives. I hope to always remember my divine purpose and to help my children feel positive about themselves.

Tech Savvy Age!
In this world we live in technology is used so much and at constant hours of the day. Because of this overexposure many teens are falling victim of technology addiction.
According to the Berger “In this study, many adolescents admitted that video games took time away from household chores and homework. Worse, one-fourth used video games to escape from problems, and one-fifth had "done poorly on a school assignment or test"(p. 452-453) because of spending too much time playing.” So not only is the time spent on technology a concern but as well as what other important work they are putting off or unmotivated to do.  It can affect their body physically and mentally, they are unable to understand fiction from reality and also risk health problems like obesity. In my research on this topic for my group presentation, ways I found in my life and in others lives to help limit the technology is possible. Some ways could include putting sticky notes around so you remember your goals, set a timer, fill out a time management sheet, or even just eliminating the technology all together. Elder Bednar proposes two questions in the video “Things As They Really are”. The first is, Does this invite or impede the Holy Ghost? And second, does it enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, love and to serve? I now ask this about the technology I involve myself with and hope to expose myself to media that is “virtuous, lovely, and of good report, and praiseworthy”

Here Let Me Help You!
One concept I learned about in class was guided participation according to Berger guided participation is defined as “The process by which people learn from others who guide their experiences and explorations”(glossary) This concept is tied to Vygotskys social learning theories as to why a person thinks and acts a certain way. In the July 1998 Ensign article “Doing Dishes with Daddy” E. Jeffrey Hill talks about an experience he had with his kindergarten aged daughter. He had a fast schedule for the dishwasher he normally followed and yet his daughter announced in the spirit of service that she wanted to put away the dishes with dads help. Hill began doing the dishes and found he taking over the dishes job to his daughter’s disappointment. He agreed to do the dishes her way and help her instead of take over. By doing this he learned more about his daughter than he ever would have and understood better he needed to spend more time with them. In my own life I want to take the time for each of my present and future family members. It is important to me to teach and help my children use skills they can use throughout their lives. If we let them use their free agency and helpful hand children can grow in love and righteousness.

The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude
In the Bergers textbook it mentions many different types of disabilities and how we can help children with disabilities (p. 338-345). One type of disability that interested me most is learning disabilities. Some include dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, autism, and etc. In my own life this is important to me because my mother and sister have dyslexia and it is known to run in the family. In reading the text I was able to understand the kinds symptoms I should be looking for and how well they are doing at school. I hope to watch for those signs and if my children do have a learning disability I want to help them in anyway I can. One-way I know I could help my child with disabilities is looking at the Church’s “Disability Resources” on There it states all kinds of disabilities and ways to help them.  Christ said in 3rd Nephi 17:7 “Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither…for I have compassion upon you” this means a lot to me as a person with learning disabilities and I am grateful for the trials heavenly father has given to make me who I am today and my divine potential me and my children have.

Veggie Monsters
            I have always been very concerned that I would not understand the way a baby should get proper nutrition. However, I learned some important key things that gave me comfort. In class we learned about malnutrition (p. 29). I grew comfort in knowing I would never let my children get that unfed. While studying babies I learned a beneficial way to feed your baby is breast-feeding (p. 101). When babies start to grow according to Bergers textbook they start to move up to more solid foods. An important concept is the food pyramid, to make sure children have their carbs, diary, veggies, and meat in their day to be nutritious. I hope to live a strong nutritious life and also do so for my future children. I can practice this on my nephew when I babysit him. In D&C 89 they discuss the word of wisdom. In Summary, it discusses eating meat, grains, fruit, and etc and how it is important to eat sparingly. In D&C 89:18 it states, “And all the saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones.” I am grateful for such a blessing and knowledge in my life.

A Father’s Wisdom
            According to the Berger textbook fathers bring different qualities than a mother brings in raising their children. Berger states, “Fathers enhance their children’s social and emotional development in many ways. Synchrony, attachment, and social referencing, are all apparent with fathers. Indeed, fathers are more likely to elicit smiles and laughter from their infants than their mothers.” (p. 213) She goes onto explain that mothers tend to be more of a caregiver while fathers provides high intensity playing. In my own life I see this through my nephew who loves his parents but especially loves to smile at his father and plays intensely with. I want to make sure I marry a man who will treat me and encourage me to be a strong daughter of god. I want to be married in the temple to a man that will provide and love my children. In Mark 10:7-8 it says, “ For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife. And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh” I want to work together with my future husband with the love and help of heavenly father.

What's Your Style?
One day I’ll have to make difficult decisions in the way I raise my kids. In the Bergers textbook she discusses 4 different kinds of parents: authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, and uninvolved (p. 299-300).
-Authoritarian parents raise children in a demanding way with punishments  
-Permissive parents tend to raise with not strong rules or bribery to get them to behave
-Authoritative encourage independence and listening to kids
-Uninvolved parenting is when the child is in no ways involved in the child’s life and let them figure it out on their own.
The Family: A Proclamation to the World states, “parents have a scared duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of god, and be law abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and waves-mothers and fathers-will be held accountable before god for the discharge of these obligations.” It is important we raise our children in love and righteousness so they can to be able to one day has their own family. In my own life I want to lean more towards authoritative parenting. I hope to be an example to my children and respect their agency and also discipline when needed.

Sticks and Stones
            In the Berger textbook she discusses 4 types of bullying: Physical, Verbal, cyber bullying, and relational (p. 398) Physically bullying means that the child was physically tormented or hurt. Verbal means a bully used words like teasing or taunting to hurt another person. Cyber bullying is the use of electronics to harm another person. And relational bullying ruining the child’s peer acceptance by others. There are sign to look out for when children could be bullied in these ways. Including bruises, a lot of time spent on technology, lack of friends, and lost of self-esteem (p. 398). There are many stories and pictures in the friend that describe situations and resolutions for bullying. Such as the story “Being Brave” by Charmayne Gubler Warnock in which she stands up for a boy being bullied. I hope to sit down with my children and go over such stories and discuss this with them in family home evenings. I would hope my children would feel comfortable in telling me they were being bullied and stand up for what is right of they say it happening. I want to do the same in my own life today.
The Resilient Mind
            One principle Berger discusses is resilience of children in middle childhood. Resilience is defined in the textbook as “ dynamic process encompassing positive adaption within the context of significant adversity”(p. 380) another three parts to this definition are: it is dynamic and not consistent, it is a positive adaption to stress, the adversity must be significant. They also talk about examples such as in the movie the impossible where a little boy and his family get stuck in a tsunami. The boy was able to help his family and help other people as well even under the stress in all of it. This applies because I would hope to teach my kids the importance of acting on their free agency in this hard struggling world today and choose to do what is right. In our own spiritual lives Satan is constantly trying to tempt us to make a wrong decision. And many times others will try to discredit our beliefs. However, as talked about by Elder Robert D Hales in the talk “Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship.” he tells us members to have the strength to stand up for what is right.

Going Nuclear
            Berger states that 55% of US families are a Nuclear family. According to Berger, “In general, nuclear families function best; children in the nuclear structure tend to achieve better in school with fewer psychological problems.” In the church we teach that it is important for husband and wife to be married together, and raising their children in love and righteousness. There are exceptions and situations in which a marriage cannot be saved but in general this is the case. Berger in the textbook talks about, “there is a correlation between child success and married parents partly because of the people who marry, not the fact of marriage itself”(p. 389). This is important to me because in my future home I hope to not only marry the right person but that we can be an example of a strong marriage to our children. In “The Family: A Proclamation to World” it mentions that parents that fail to fulfill their duties as a parent to their children will be held accountable before god. I hope to raise my children in love and righteousness and set an example of love.

These ten principles have really helped me change my fears about having children. I take comfort in knowing I will do everything in my power to be a good parent to my child. Children can be complicated, smelly, and many times seem bratty, but in taking this class it has reminded me that I was once the same to! Children are developing and have in each age something they are going through. Understand those things and my tolerance for children will grow more patience and understanding. I am really glad I took this class and have gained such knowledge in my own life and spiritual life.

What Does It Feel Like To Be Bi Polar?

Recently I was diagnosed as being bi polar type 2. I have struggled the last year controlling my feelings and moods. It is difficult to explain how it feels so I put it into a original song called "Beast Within" here are the lyrics and sorry about the poor quality. I know that I can be beautiful :) don't give up for those that are struggling you are beautiful, it's up to you to choose!

the feelings of despair
is haunting my soul
hide it with a small dose
keep at bay the beast inside
hold me now I need to feel you
bring out the beauty in me

the venom's twisting through my DNA
stirred up the beast inside
hide this beast within my soul
am I the beauty or the beast?

Gotta live out my days
fighting this beast inside
choose beauty over pain
let the love fill my heart
hold me now I need to feel you
bring out the beauty in me

the venom's twisting through my DNA
stirred up the beast inside
hide this beast within my soul
am I the beauty or the beast?

am I the beauty or the beast?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Georgia by Ray Charles

Here is video of Ray Charles song Georgia! :) I love music so much I am currently working on writing more songs to write an album! I hope you enjoy this song!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Musical Me!

I am a acoustic cover artist and singer/songwriter! I love listening to all genres of music, it helps to inspire my music by listening to all kinds of music. My artist inspirations mostly come from the artists Colbie Calliat, Haley Reinhart, Adele, and Sara Barielles. I cover all genres of songs into my own style twist, my style is a mix of pop/blues/folk. If you want to check out my music be sure to look up my youtube videos and my Facebook page:
Music hasnt always been easy for me because of my fibromyalgia. Having joint pain in my hands make it difficult to play so when I am feeling good I love to share my music whether it's a paid or unpaid gig, or open mic. One thing that fibromyalgia has taught me is that if you have talents and gifts use them to the fullest and share them, you never know if they are going away.

Explore and find new talents by trying new things when they come your way. I love all of you and I hope you enjoy my music! Here is a video of me singing :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Primary Answer Challenge

Recently I haven't been active in my church. Deep down I know it is time to make changes in the small things called primary answers. they may seem simple and yet making the smallest of changes can make the biggest of differences. I wish to be more active in church and have a stronger relationship with god,

The primary answers
-Go to church
-read scriptures

My challenge is for 30 days to 

-pray 3x and day
When praying pray for more things thankful for. Pray for more than a minute. Pray once a day for more than minute praying for things grateful for. 
-STUDY scriptures 3x a day
Have questions in mind when go to study scriptures and answer them. Also fill in more scriptures for scripture directory for people
-go to church weekly 
Take avid notes and find something that learned or impressed me after each lesson or talk
-Write down a list of 5 things I'm grateful for everyday 

After doing these things for thirty day I will write about my experiences here on blog. And bear my testimony. I will also make a calendar to keep track of my goals.